In part three of our series on Mike Breen's "Covenant and Kingdom", guest speaker Chris Haugen looks at the story of Moses as it is related in the Book of Exodus. (Part 1 of this series focused on Abraham and Sarah and how their lives exhibited a Covenant relationship with God. Part 2 related the Old Testament story of Joseph who was a powerful agent of God's Kingdom at work.)

In Moses we see both Covenant and Kingdom, and Chris takes us through Mike Breen's thesis and to a conclusion that some will find surprising. Not only did Moses use his identity as a beloved child of almighty God to operate in God's authority - the bible is clear that we are each beloved children of the Creator. We all can act with God's authority. Obedience and Power go together. Think of that! If we can be obedient out of our identity then we can function in power, because we have received God's authority!

"Give light and people will find the way."

Ella Baker