Events Calendar

OSLC Fall Supper & Silent Auction
Saturday, November 02, 2024, 05:00pm
Hits : 856

Tickets: can be purchased after Sunday services, at the Welcome Table.  All are welcome!  

$20 each (children under 12 are free) or full table of 8 for $150.

Capacity is 200 people, so get your tickets early!!

Payment can be made by cash or e-transfer to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (please note on your e-transfer your name and the number of tickets)

Please contact Lawrence to reserve tickets.

Silent Auction Items:  we are collecting silent auction items now and they will be stored in a secure location – ideas include gift cards; gift or wine baskets; tools; hosted dinner theme event in your home; donated services (yard maintenance, appliance installation, painting or house cleaning, etc.);  paintings or art work; crafts; baking; gently used books; toys & other items for children; vacation cabin or resort experience packages.

please note:

  1. write your name on the Silent Auction item(s) you are donating
  2. no charitable receipts are given out for Silent Auctions items donated)  

Volunteers: will be needed. Please check the sign up sheets on the usher table at the church.

"No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world."

Robin Williams