Photo of a cracked egg

Cracks. This has been quite a visual presence to me lately. They seem to be everywhere.

And there is at least one good reason for that. The weather.

Having recently had a really cold snap, we now have much warmer temperatures. And this has resulted in many fissures opening. No, not the Grand Canyon type; or the kind you get with significant earthquakes either. Significantly big enough to cause disruptions. Like one that appeared in a parking lot recently. A Tim Horton's I frequent every week suddenly had a large crack in its parking lot. A long one. Runs several metres diagonally across the space. And so, repairs have to be undertaken. Because it can cause major undercarriage damage to vehicles if left unrepaired. not to mention lowering business traffic. Water main breaks are also happening on our city roads. Crews are busy digging up large chunks of pavement and sidewalk to get at the pipes underneath. The list can go on and on. The same can be said to be true for humans. Sometimes events crack things open unexpectedly.

For example, you have your latest move all completed. You are settling in nicely to your new abode. Things are coming together with friends, activities, school and jobs. And then you visit the doctor and are told you have cancer. Crack. We function as a congregation quite nicely the way we are; enough staff, services go well, programs and social outreach is happening and folks are checking you out. Covid arrives and shuts down all public gatherings. Crack. You get my point.

God does the same thing in our lives sometimes. And so, I pick a woman who is to judge all the disputes in Judges 4. I pick a small boy to be a prophet in 1 Samuel 3. I pick two extremely opposite women to bear children who will change the nation of Israel. That's in Luke 1 and 2.

And my son, Jesus keeps on cracking open the religious institution with what he is doing in Mark 1. God keeps seeking to crack things open to pour out love upon those who are affected.

We live in hardening times. Positions become entrenched and other ways, thoughts and opinions are not heard and not respected. We are right and anything else is wrong. Respect of others is in short supply in many ways. A dad and son are buying a gift card in a store. They are surprised that I would offer to let them go in front of me in the line. It saddened me greatly.

God is always trying to crack open what we have carefully cemented shut. Now, where could cracks appear in your life and what will you do with them when it happens? Pr. Scott

Thought For The Week

"Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness."  

James Thurber