Photo - Seedling Growth

Growing. I have been amazed at some of what is happening in our garden plots in the backyard.

First, growth is something that continues to make me wonder about how you put seed in the ground, bury it, and it grows a green living plant. And this year it is the resiliency of many of the plants that has me most amazed.

I have had to transplant many flowers and some veggies from one spot to another. That has to do with the foundation work on our house that is an on-going, unfolding project. Since both front beds need tearing up, I have done much moving of plants to the back. I have been surprised how many have shown shock (no surprise there) only to look fine in just a few days. As importantly, it is their persistence that has impressed me. Tomato plants that got frosted despite my best efforts are showing signs of new life. I hear my grandfather's words here. He would say, "Leave it a bit. Let's see what happens." And there are new leaves growing where I thought the plant dead. What we see on the outside is not always what is going on, on the inside. Or, the full story of what is unfolding.

You never know what results come from the seeds you plant with your witness through what you are doing. I was reminded of this not that long ago. Sure, I have always known of the potential reach of what happens through our media presence in different ways. During Covid I was regularly picking up people from Saskatchewan and B.C. who were viewing our weekly offerings. This despite the fact that we could not assemble for worship each week. The congregation had actually grown. Seeds were planted. A woman at one of the Lenten services stopped me and thanked both I and Alieda (the worship leader) for the 'great stuff' that we had been putting out each week. I had no idea of the impact going on. And sometimes what you see is not what you get.

This happens in Mark 3. Jesus gives out an entirely new definition and understanding of 'family'. It is not what the leaders are expecting. And it still is happening. A man, looking somewhat dirty and dishevelled, walked into an upscale jewelry store. Was looking at very expensive engagement rings. The clerk, deciding that he could not possibly afford such, gave very little sales effort to this man. He then went to the next upscale store and proceeded to buy a $10,000 engagement ring for his wife to be. The management found out and the clerk was fired on the spot. Growth can come in surprising ways, shapes and forms.

We are in a period of growing right now. God and Jesus are up to many things; not the least of which is a new bishop for our synod and possibly a new pastor for this congregation. My question for all of us is: Where are the growing edges of our lives right now and where is Jesus in the midst of all that? Pr. Scott

"If you're always trying to be normal
you will never know how amazing you can be."

Maya Angelou